Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Related post

This blog is mine the latest fads. Through my blog you may encounter the latest or trends, in and out the country.

Related post

Hey guys! This is the newest trend. a t-shirt from dlsu lady spikers!

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Hi! My name is erika relampagos i'm from compostela valley. If you need or ask something just contact me here>>>

Welcome post

Wrlcome to my blog! Enjoy the latest fad! Enjoy reading, and you want to ask something. Feel free to ask me:)


Christmas. Christmas is a very special occasion. Because this is the day that jesus was born. And i celebrate  the  christmas happily together with my family.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

from the very start

hi guys ! this is Erika G. Relampagos a Year 10 student  and this is my blog
fads or crazy or vogue that is what people specially teenagers really want's to get updated with ...
this blog is entitled "the latest fad's"   because this blog contains the latest fad's
i made this account because i know that most of teenagers want's to know and to get updated by the new fad's today i i also made this blog because i know that almost all the teenagers nowadays focuses on social net working sites and don't really communicate with others so in just one click they will know about the latest fads .. so i hope ya' all like my blog and share it